I’m due for a confession. For as much as I tout myself as a great fan of alternative rock and all sub-genres that fall under that description, I only recently (in the past three years) began to regularly listen to English rock legends The Stone Roses. Still, it’s not too shocking. As fans of music, we all experience our own “eras” or “phases.” But it seems now more than ever, I’m coming around to the rich contributions that the UK offered to the rock music of the eighties and nineties. It’s not that I’ve been completely blind to it, it’s just that I’m now immersing myself in it. I recently watched The Stone Roses: Made of Stone, a 2013 music documentary directed by Shane Meadows that follows The Stone Roses' reunion after 16 years of inactivity. It's a great introduction and introspection into this often overlooked band. What’s documented is some prefacing and history of the band, woven with footage of them at work and at play, rehearsing their music and preparing for a long-awaited